A Three-Brain Approach to Healing and Transformation
Take your first step to deep change and healing
by calling Allan today.

Powerful Sessions that Lead to Deep Inner Change
Allan Clews has been a professional hypnotist since 1989 and he knows what it is to be broken and in deep pain and then use hypnosis and Mindfulness to heal himself. He takes a comprehensive approach that will help you lead a healthier, more meaningful life. He doesn't just focus on a single issue, but understands that a problem in one area of your life generally indicates things are out of balance in other areas and so takes a more holistic, "three-brain" approach.
Allan Works on Thoughts/Beliefs, Physiology & Emotions
According to Gurdjieffian Psychology we are "three-brained beings". We have an intellectual-brain, a sensory/moving brain and an emotional brain. As a result, Allan not only works on your faulty thoughts & beliefs in a process similar to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – but with a deep hypnotic twist – he also works on the physiological and emotional dimensions of your problem. Dimensions which are often more connected to your problems than your thoughts and beliefs. Fortunately, hypnosis has been proven to effect all three.

His Unique 2 1/2 Hour Sessions Involve Talk-Therapy & Hypnosis20 Weeks to a New Life
llan's sessions are substantially different from those offered by other hypnotherapists. This is because they do not really take the time to explore your background and generally see you for less than an hour at a time before they move onto their next client.
In contrast, Allan's deep healing sessions are two and a half hours long (and he has been known to take even longer in order to bring something to a natural conclusions) where half is spent talking with you about your issue and attempting to
understand your problem in the context of your life – and half spent in deep hypnotic trance.
This means that Allan is half talk-therapist – where he asks hundreds of focused questions and really gets to really know you and your problems – and half deep-trance hypnotherapist – where he uses the information he gained, and his enormous set of skills, to help you achieve deep subconscious healing
He does not take a superficial approach, but delves deep into the subconscious origins of your problem.

Allan is Also a Master of MindfulnessAllan is Also a Master of Mindfulness
Allan has spent over 30-years practicing various advanced Mindfulness techniques. He is capable of entering what they call the "Observer State" when he is with you. As a result, he often sees things and makes connections other therapists miss.
Allan goes so far as to claim you will learn more about yourself in 4 sessions with him than you will learn in 6 months to a year of normal talk-therapy because of his extensive training, ability to observe & talent for asking the most insightful questions: first to your conscious mind and then again to your subconscious.
Call Allan today at 416-556-6238 to book your FREE 40-minute phone consultation.
Day & Evening Appointments Sunday to Friday
Allan lives in an apartment in the same building as his office on Broadview Avenue. This means he does not have to commute and is readily available to help you day or evening Sunday through Friday (closed Saturdays).
Click on the following button to learn more about the various issues we deal with.

Learn more about Allan, our Certified Consulting Hypnotist and his Gurdjieffian Approach in this 13-minute video.
Explore some of the science behind hypnosis in Allan's 9-minute video.

Shyness & Social Anxiety
Chronic Fears
Eating Disorders
Borderline Personality Disorder
Childhood Trauma
Sexual Abuse
Overcome Limiting Beliefs
Improve Communication Skills
Find Your Ideal Partner
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Pain Control
Diabetes II
Irritable Bowel
and more...
20 Weeks to a New Life.
Learn Mindfulness
from a Master.
Hypnosis is a remarkable tool that can help with all sorts of problems. If you do not see it listed here please call us and ask if hypnosis can help you.
Efficient, Informed, Confidential.