Hypnosis and Anxiety Disorders
You feel anxious and uncertain. A sense of dread rises up from the pit of your stomach. You feel something bad is about to happen. You feel like you should do something, but you have no idea what that is.
And even though you may feel all alone, you are not. Because feelings of anxiety and dread have reached epidemic proportions in our society, making this one of the most common problems people have.
Unfortunately, these feelings of anxiety can seriously effect the quality of your life. They can seep into your relationships, your work, your ability to think and concentrate, and even into your sleep and dreams.
Fortunately, there is a natural and effective solution, because hypnosis is one of the most powerful anti-anxiety treatments available because it is the only one that is able to deal with this problem at its root. A root that lies somewhere in your imagination.
Perhaps a bad event in your past triggered these feelings. Perhaps you somehow developed an inability to tolerate uncertainty. Or maybe you just pay a little too much attention to the news each night.
The good news is that your imagination lies in the realm of your subconscious and hypnosis is the only tool that works directly with this mysterious part of you. As a result, it can help your anxiety melt away. It can neutralize the cause at its root. It can even train your subconscious to re-set itself, so you can begin to enjoy life again.
Call 416-556-6238 today to find out more.
Anxiety Fact Sheet
This condition is characterized by feelings of persistent anxiety that interferes with an individuals ability to function and cope with life.
over-active imagination;
having experienced emotionally traumatic events (especially during childhood and adolescence);
neurotransmitters and brain chemistry;
various medical conditions (such as anemia and thyroid problems);
caffeine, alcohol and illicit drugs (particularly stimulants like cocaine and marijuana);
withdrawal from caffeine, alcohol and illicit drugs;
witnessing death, violence and natural disasters.
chest pain and rapid heart beat;
muscle tension;
dry mouth;
shortness of breath and difficulty breathing;
nausea, stomach problems and diarrhea;
dizzy and light-headed;
an inability to think clearly and concentrate;
an inability to control one's thoughts;
an inability to relax;
feelings of anger and irritability;
feeling tense and wound-up;
feelings of dread;
nightmares, insomnia and sleeping problems;
drug and alcohol abuse;
obsessive compulsive behaviour;
a tendency to catastrophize and expect the worst;
a poor diet (especially if it is high in sugar);
physical, mental and emotional stress;
drinking too much coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks;
withdrawal from caffeine, alcohol and illicit drugs;
lack of exercise;
lack of rest;
putting too much pressure on oneself;
fear of a loss of control;
social events;
medical and dental procedures.
How Hypnosis Can Help You
it can help your subconscious lower the "volume" on your feelings of anxiety;
it can help your subconscious turn off the thoughts and patterns that trigger feelings of anxiety;
it can help your subconscious reset itself so that your life becomes much more enjoyable and manageable;
it can enhance your innate capacity to heal yourself;
if your anxiety was caused by an initial sensitizing event, it can help you to view this event much more objectively and to dissociate from it and change the emotional grip it has on your life;
it can help you to reduce your dependence on caffeine and alcohol;
it can help you improve your diet, exercise more and sleep better;
it can help if your anxiety involves any subconscious and state-dependent processes
it can improve your ability to follow sound medical advice and work with your physicians;
if you are taking medication for an Anxiety Disorder it can help you to reduce the amount you are taking.
Some Research That Proves These Claims...
The scientific research is conclusive. If you are capable of entering into a moderately deep state of hypnosis (something 70% of the population can achieve), then hypnosis can help you. Here is a summation of some of these studies...
Effects of Anxiety-Reducing Hypnotic Training on Learning and Reading-Comprehension Tasks. J Natl Med Assoc. 1984 March; 76(3): 233–235. Johnson RL, Johnson HC.
The authors of this paper wanted to determine if hypnosis can be used to reduce anxiety and therefore increase the ability to learn. They recruited 15 students who suffered from test-taking anxiety and randomly assigned these students to a control or an experimental group. Those in the experimental group were given hypnosis to reduce their anxiety before they were asked to read some information and be tested on it. There was no difference between the two groups when it came to simply recalling the information. However, when it came to comprehending this material and making logical inferences, those who had received hypnosis to reduce their anxiety significantly outperformed those who did not.
Research Note: Alleviation of Performance Anxiety Through Hypnotherapy. Psychology of Music, Vol. 21, No. 1, 78-82 (1993). Stanton HE.
The author of this paper recounts three case studies where hypnosis was successfully used to help musicians overcome debilitating feelings of performance anxiety. A guitarist in a rock band, a music student, and a member of an orchestra were each given two hypnosis sessions involving guided imagery and Rational-Emotive Therapy. This helped them to alleviate this problem so they were able to perform in public without experiencing stage-fright.
Hypnosis Reduces Preoperative Anxiety in Adult Patients. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2006, vol. 102, no5, pp. 1394-1396. Saadat H, Drummond-Lewis J, Maranets I, Kaplan D, Saadat A, Wang SM, Kain ZN.
Many surgical patients experience feelings of extreme anxiety before their surgery. As a result, 76 patients were recruited for this study. They were randomly assigned to three groups: one group received the standard level of pre-operative care, the second group received "attentive care" where they had someone listen to and support them, while the third group received hypnosis and suggestions for well-being. Those who received hypnosis felt significantly less anxious about their upcoming surgery than the other two groups. Furthermore, when they were taken into the operating room and asked if their feelings of anxiety had increased or decreased. Those who had received the standard treatment (the control group) reported experiencing a 47% increase, those who had received "attentive care" reported a 10% increase, while those who had received hypnosis reported a 56% decrease in their level of anxiety.

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