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A Hypnotist's Code of Ethics by Allan Clews

There are many states in the US where the law requires a hypnotist to provide their clients with some sort a disclosure form. And even though this is not the case in Toronto, we feel that it is a good policy to be as open and transparent as possible.

  • Anything that happens during your Hypnosis session in Toronto is strictly confidential and we will not even reveal that you have been our client unless under a court order to do so.

  • Should you recall something while in a state of hypnosis that has any legal implications we will stop your session because hypnotically-induced memories are not accepted in a court of law and may negatively affect your ability to pursue any sort of legal action.

  • The results of hypnosis can vary from person to person and from session to session. As a result, it is impossible to guarantee any specific results.

  • Hypnosis carries the risk of recalling unpleasant memories and these memories may cause you to feel emotional pain. Fortunately The Toronto Hypnotherapist is trained to deal with such incidents.

  • Hypnosis is more like a dance between yourself and the hypnotist and your ability to follow directions and actively participate in the hypnosis sessions will directly effect the outcome. As a result it will help considerably if you do your best to cooperate and insure that each hypnosis session is as successful as possible.

  • The Toronto Hypnotherapist may be required to touch you on the hand, arm, shoulder or head in order to facilitate the hypnotic process.

  • Hypnosis is not meant to replace medical or psychological care. If we determine you have not taken the appropriate steps to consult with your physician or licenced health-care practitioner before you see us we will refuse to work with you until you have done so.

  • The Toronto Hypnotherapist will not make any diagnosis and we will make sure you will not view anything that we say or do as such.

  • The Toronto Hypnotherapist cannot work on certain conditions, particularly those concerning pain, unless we have a note signed by your physician, psychiatrist or licenced psychologist indicating that it is acceptable to do so.

  • The session may be video-recorded for our protection. This recording will belong to Allan Clews and it can only be viewed by a Certified Consulting Hypnotist who is employed by Allan Clews, unless you provide written consent to do otherwise.

  • You are free to stop your session or sessions at any point. If you have purchased a series of sessions (a package) and you have decided that you no longer wish to use any that remain, then any hypnosis sessions you have already had will then be priced at the single session rate and you will be refunded any money that remains.

  • We will not discriminate based on race, creed or sexual orientation and actively welcome clients from the LGBT community.

Take your first step to deep change and healing

by calling Allan today.


Learn more about Allan, our Certified Consulting Hypnotist.




Shyness & Social Anxiety

Chronic Fears

Eating Disorders

Borderline Personality Disorder


Childhood Trauma

Sexual Abuse











Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Improve Communication Skills

Find Your Ideal Partner





Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Pain Control

Diabetes II








Irritable Bowel



and more...

20 Weeks to a New Life.

Learn Mindfulness

from a Master.

Hypnosis is a remarkable tool that can help with all sorts of problems. If you do not see it listed here please call us and ask if hypnosis can help you.

Efficient, Informed, Confidential.

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